
"To read or to write, there will be the answer!"

Note: This post contains words from Bahasa Melayu as we want to preserve its originalities.

One night..

Child: Papa.. why do cats act like digging hole before they having pee?

Then the father narrated:

" Pada satu masa dahulu, sang harimau tidak reti memanjat pepohon kayu. Alkisahnya pada satu hari sang harimau meminta sang kucing menunjuk ajar teknik2 memanjat pokok. Maka berlakulah perbualan seperti berikut (ayat mcm dlm buku teks arab tingkatan 3):

Rimau: Kucing, aku tak reti panjat pokok laa.. boleh ajar aku cemane nak panjat pokok?

Kucing: Boleh aje. Jom ikut aku. Kita cari pokok paling besar dan tinggi.

Maka kedua-dua spesis mamalia yang sama rupe lain saiz tu pun, panjat lah pokok dengan menggunakan teknik cengkaman kuku.

Beberapa ketika selepas itu, ke2-2 makhluk itu pun berada di dahan pokok. Tetiba, timbul niat jahat kucing nak dengki sang harimau.

Kucing: Rimau, sebagai balassan aku ajar kau panjat pokok; aku nak pinjam motor rxz kau buleh?

Rimau: Mane boley... aku beli mahal2, kau sedap2 nak pinjam.

Kucing: Xpelah rimau. Dengan sifat tamak haloba kau, aku tinggalkan kau atas pokok lah. Ko turun sendiri. Aku xnak ajar.

Dengan muke kurang asamnye, sang kucing cepat2 turun pokok dan blah sebelum sempat dibelasag sang rimau. Maka tinggallah sang rimau terkebil kebil di atas pokok..

Rimau: (menjerit) Sialan kau kucing. Jaga kau.. aku MAKAN kau kalau aku dapat tangkap kau nanti. DENGAN TAIK-TAIK KAU PUN AKU MAKAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sang kucing terdengar warning tadi. Setiap kali melahirkan zuriat, sang kucing akan berpesan kpd anak2nya: "Nak, setiapkali nak buang air, timbun dengan pasir ye nakk.. kalau xde pasir, buat gaya konon2 ade pasir tau".

If you find the story is a fiction, just assume that the father lied his child.

Mood: -
Condition: -
To Do: -

Note: Since this is non-profit blog, I dont put citations. Everybody can googles nowadays

Top 3 things about my fav. team.

1. In 1932 when the team still played at Highbury, then-manager Herbert Chapman campaigned for the local Tube* station (Gillespie Road) to change its name to ‘Arsenal’. On the 5th of November 1932, the name was officially changed, making it the only Tube station to be named specifically after a football club.

*In US and Canada, they got subway. People in London call theirs as Tube because the tunnels shaped like tubes.

2. There are many football teams named Arsenal.

3. The fans of SC Braga are known as Arsenalistas due to their teams uniforms that resemble that of English club ArsenalFC.

Mood: Arsenal
Condition: Nocturnal
To Do: Sahur


This is Bunny

Commander of the Bunny Army

(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)
Bunny Army.

Together we will rule the world!
)_,.--'''[ µ"\_\****”””””””

We stand united , we fight united!

(\ /)
(\_/) (O.o) (\_/)
(^.^) (><) (^.^)
('')-('') /_|_\ ('')-('')

Chief Bunny

Usual Bunny

Funny Bunny

Agent Bunny

Money Bunny

Mixed Bunny/Bunny Scarface

Bunny Having Fun

Confused Bunny

Bunny Warrior

Bunny Snowman

Bunny With Alot Of Claws

( 0 )
Cool Bunny

Bunny with a gun

(/ \)
Cyborg bunny
­ Techno Bunny

<---(x x)--<<
(> <)
Arrow-Killed Bunny

(> <)
Watching Bunny

(> <)
Suicide Bunny

Ninja Bunny

~ /_|_\~
Jet-pack Bunny

Disco Bunny

Pirate Bunny

Killin' Bunny

Super Bunny
(Do not fear,
super bunny is here!)

Angel Bunney (Angelo)

Devil Bunny (Diablo)

Dragon Bunny

────────║The Bunnies Castle║────────

Mood: -
Condition: Biol
To Do: Tido

Nah amek ko!!!


Mood: Suke
Condition: New born wisdom tooth.
To Do: Visa

Loss ape? Haaa tuh yang kite nak bgtau.

I learnt Arabic language during Form 1 -> form 5. Yeah, I enjoy learning Arabic. Its easy because there are some terms in Malay language derived from Arabic words.

However, the sky could not be always blue. It could be gray or even darker. Ewah2 haha.. During form 4/5, I lost interest to learn arabic. I dunno why. Mybe because the teachers stressed more about the sentence structures rather than vocabularies(in my opinion) + lack effort from me.

When I took a look at this book (shown below), I felt sad. I found myself failed to appreciate the things that I've learnt.

However, I still managed to understand some of the sentences in this book ;].

Rugi nye rase. Kalau aku fluent Arab, mesti aku da dpt ngorat awek2 Arab yg cun kt Kanada. Kah3x. Niat x betol pulak dah. Tuh yg ilmu hilang awal2 tuh.

Mood: I'm feeling good
Condition: I'm feeling good
To Do: Keep this good feeling.

Progresso: Progress (in Portuguese)

Look at my village.

To Do:

I was looking for something like "time waster" during this summer holiday. I found it!
Do you have any?

Mood: Flat
Condition: Slow
To Do: Sleep